2024 Polar Express
Please park at STC’s Cooper Center (3200 Pecan Blvd) to utilize the ‘FREE’ Polar Express Park and Ride. Shuttles will operate in 15 minute intervals from 12pm to 12am, taking passengers from STC Cooper Center to Rio Bank (23rd / Quince). To return, get in line at the designated pick up area at Rio Bank. Please allow up 15 – 20 minutes of travel time.
For persons in wheelchairs or motorized scooters pick up will be at the STC Parking Lot on the corner of (Pecan and 31st), Handicap placard is required to gain access; drop off / pick up will also be at Rio Bank 23rd and Quince.
Overflow parking can be found at the STC Pecan Campus (Just south of Cooper Center on 29th / Pecan).